You and your business Who are you being out in the world?
Dec 27, 2022
Let's consider who you and your business are out in the world through the lens of the 3 pillars of Inspired Feminine Leadership:
- Balance
- Voice
- Visibility
Balance is all about "being" and "embodying" your Inspired Feminine Leader,who is balanced in her healthy masculine and healthy feminine energy, andaligned to her purpose.
Connect to your wise, confident, Inspired Feminine Leader, and from a place ofdeep presence, ask yourself the following questions:
- What do I deeply believe in and care about?
- What is the change I want to bring?
- What problems do I want to resolve out in the world?
- How do I want to contribute as a leader?
- What do I want to be remembered for?
- What world do I want to create for the generation to come?
What does your Inspired Feminine Leader sound like when she speaks?
What tone does she use? What does she say?
What content does she want to share?
Use these questions to gather information about how your voice sounds, and how to use it to share your message.
- Who will your voice authentically connect you to?
- In other words, who are your tribe, and what is the community you want toimpact with your voice?
- Who does your purpose resonate with?
- What attracts these people to you?
- What tone do these people resonate with?
- What is the message you want to voice to your tribe?
- What makes you unique?
- What beliefs about the world do you want to use your voice to share with these people?
- What do you believe that is different to others in your field?
- What will your voice sound like as you use it to share your authentic message with the world?
- How do you communicate with your tribe out in the world - video, written messaging, social media, website...
- How do you make sure you are heard?
Visibility is about how your Inspired Feminine Leader is in action out in theworld.
The question is: How can your willingness to be visible as a leader advance thetransition into a new paradigm?
What actions will you actually take? How will you be in action?
Use these questions to gather information about your visibility and how to use it.
- How do you show up visually in the world?
- What are the actions you take out in the world?
- How do you make sure you are seen?
- How do you show up to nurture your tribe?
- How do you inspire your tribe?