The Sister Wound

Jun 30, 2023

The Sister Wound

Moving from Isolation into Connection with others

The Sister Wound is the wound that is responsible for one of the main barriers to connection for women, that of isolation. It lives in us all as women. It is the silent, patriarchal force that tells us that we don't belong, and that we won't fit into a new group of women. It is the shame and distrust that many women feel when relating to other women. It shows up in many ways, such as jealousy, insecurity, cattiness, comparison, or fear, whenever we are in relationships with other women.

The Inspired Feminine Leader Alchemy Circles are especially designed for you to experience something new and different. These are sacred circles, where an experienced facilitator encourages you to heal from this wound. Together women learn, grow and share as they heal and evolve into leaders of the new. 

They learn how to rebalance their Masculine and Feminine energy, dissolve shame and limiting beliefs, as well as the barriers that hold them back from connecting in a healthy way with other women.

It is a space to experience and embrace the nurturing energy of the feminine that resides within each and every one of us. It is a place to give and receive love, nurturing, support and encouragement, as well as to be vulnerable and share our wisdom.

Some of the messages we can hear when we are called to be in relationship with other women, whether it's at work, in our families or in our friendships, are ones like: I'm too much, I'm too busy, they won't like me, I don't have anything to offer, or I don't trust women.

The sister wound convinces us that we won't fit in. It's because of the sister wound that we make comparisons between ourselves and others. It's that voice that tells us that we aren't good enough or that we aren't beautiful enough. It's also the reason that we experience bullying from other girls at school, or from female co workers or female family members.

The sister wound conditions us to be competitive from a young age.

In the patriarchal system hierarchies form very early on, and we learn our place in this hierarchy. This means that we are hurt by the girls above us in the hierarchy, and we ourselves hurt those below us in the hierarchy. We hurt by gossiping, blaming, backstabbing, alienating...

Long ago, before these patriarchal times, things were different, girls were initiated into belonging and power with each other. Under the patriarchal system we have been shamed. As a result we have learned to people please as a way of being accepted and liked. In the process we have become so disconnected from who we really are that we don't even know what we want anymore.

The trauma that results from being a player in this game needs to be healed if we are to feel that we deserve to be supported by a loving community.

If we don't heal the sister wound, and acknowledge that it is the patriarchy that is to blame, we will continue to blame ourselves, and remain isolated, even though we may want deep, intimate relationships with women. 

Before the industrial revolution, we lived much more in community. We all contributed to the economy as women. We washed, we cooked, we sewed, we farmed... Creating was done in large groups of women, whose individual gifts were valued. Each woman had her own calling, perhaps as a healer, a midwife, an artist or a herbalist. We appreciated that the gifts of others complemented our own. Women felt proud and special. None of us were expected to do it all or have it all. We appreciated each other, and our differences.

All of this is why one of the core barriers for women today is isolation. We all long for intimacy and connection, but we have been conditioned by the patriarchy to be suspicious and to compete. We feel resistance to relying on others or even to asking for help. The isolation we've grown used to often leaves us without enough close friends. Our relationships with each other are often superficial, and we yearn for more. We blame ourselves for gossiping, judging and resenting. We surround ourselves by guilt. We do indeed have a lot to work through before we can move into deep connection. We are so much more than the roles we take on in our families and in our work. Inspired Feminine Leader Alchemy Circles enable us to transform our relationships with other women and to sponsor and uplift each other.